Buddhist Mantra, Siddham Script

Buddhist Mantras have a long history of being used to achieve success, calmness, serenity, and emotional healing. So you may rest assured that this lovely mantra in Siddham Script in the stunning resin art on your wall will help you constructively channel your energy, find your way, and reap all the positive aura that is meant for you.

The black calligraphy has been enhanced with crystals and light resin to catch the eye and instantly uplift your mood. This work of art has been linked to improvements in memory and focus, among other aspects of mental health.

The Siddham Script is a descendant of the Brahmi Script and the ancestor of the Devnagri Script. Siddham comes from Sanskrit and means "accomplished or perfected”. Shingon Buddhists mainly use the Siddham script in Japan to write out mantras and sutras in Sanskrit. The Siddham Script calligraphy is a unique blend of craftsmanship and incredible foresight by our artist. While looking at the script, one can easily enchant all the Sanskrit mantras and feel the rush of positive aura flowing in.

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